Friday Flyer - January 13, 2017

Spotlight on the QuarkNet Leadership Fellows: The leadership fellows, along with QuarkNet staff, serve as points of contact for QuarkNet centers. They assist centers in the planning and implementing teacher workshops and student research and help centers stay on top of the latest announcements and opportunities from QuarkNet Central. Pictured from left to right in this photo are Shane Wood (QN staff member, works with leadership fellows) and leadership fellows Debbie Gremmelsbacher (St. Louis, MO), Rick Dower (Plymouth, MA), Hank Horn (South Arlington, VA), Don Dean (now retired as a QN fellow), Bob Baker (Santa Monica, CA), and Dave Trapp (Sequim, WA). Each of these fellows has extensive high school teaching experience and has been involved in various aspects of QuarkNet for many years. Please feel free to contact them with your QuarkNet-related questions or for assistance organizing your next center workshop. 


News from QuarkNet Central: 

Mentors and lead teachers: Please be sure that one person from your center fills out the QuarkNet 2017 RFP form indicating the support needed for your 2017 QuarkNet center teacher and student activities. (Note that mentors should have received an e-mail message with this link last Tuesday from Shane.) We ask that each center complete this short form by January 24. Please contact Shane with any questions.


As International Masterclasses season approaches, centers should register for both the masterclass videoconferences and for orientations. The orientation registration form is online; contact Ken if you have questions. Need a poster to advertise your masterclass, or perhaps a logo for a T-shirt? Masterclass posters, logos and media templates are available here


Physics Experiment Roundup: CERN ramps up its neutrino program as a U.S.-CERN partnership takes on the mystery of neutrinos. 

Resources: symmetry explores answering the question, in "How heavy is a neutrino?". The worlds of science and art collide in the exhibit, "Neutrinos in a New Light" (currently on display in Fermilab's Art Gallery), in which Ellen Sandor attempts to help us visualize the invisible. Check out some of Sandor's work. And lastly, a brief history on how Fermilab got its name.

Just for Fun: A little quantum humor thanks to The New Yorker. (Thanks to Dan Walsh for forwarding this to us!)

QuarkNet Staff:
Mark Adams:
Ken Cecire:
Shane Wood: