Friday Flyer - March 27, 2020


Spotlight on Remote Learning with Data Activities

The "spotlight" last week focused on a collection of resources for teaching physics during this time of distance learning. This week, we highlight a few updates and additions, including some specific data activities that can be modified for distance learning.

QuarkNet has developed the BAMC (Big Analysis of Muons in CMS) masterclass as a simplified CMS masterclass that students can do at home with some guidance from their teacher. Instructions are in place for both teachers and students, including screencasts to guide you and your students through the process. The date for BAMC will be in April; teachers who register by 7 p.m. Central Time today will be able to participate in the Doodle poll that will determine the date. 

Several activities from the Data Activities Portfolio can be adapted for use with distance learning. Many were mentioned in last week's FF, and you can check out more by visiting the BAMC teacher launch page and then scrolling down to the activities listed in Student Prep. When logged in to, you will be able to view comments that offer suggestions on how to use these activities remotely. (Contact Ken or Shane if you need help logging in.)

We have updated the document Resources for Teaching Physics Online, and continue to offer QuarkNet Zoom Channels for Videoconferencing for any QuarkNet teacher who would like to use them to communicate remotely with students or colleagues. We will keep sharing ideas, so please continue to send us your ideas and let us know what you need. Thank you!



News from QuarkNet Central

See the spotlight above. But there is more:

Mentors and teachers at each QuarkNet center will decide whether and how they can meet this summer. The funding letters have mostly been sent and that is in place. If your center needs to change plans, postpone the workshop, or move it online, let Spencer, Shane, or Ken know. We can work it out.

And lastly, there is still time for teams to put together proposals for Beamline for Schools (BL4S). It has not been postponed or canceled! It closes next Tuesday, March 31. Check out the BL4S notice from CERN on Twitter.



Physics Experiment Roundup

The Higgs field only accounts for 1% of a proton's mass. Where does the rest come from? ALICE scientists are working to find out.

Has missing March Madness this year got you down? Fermilab can help with March Magnets! You can check out the Elite Eight now, and starting Monday you can participate in March Magnets playoffs. Have fun!




Fermilab is currently closed to the public, but don't let that fact stop you and your students from taking a virtual tour. Also from Fermilab, check out the public lecture given last month by experimental cosmologist Brad Benson on Studying the Universe from the Bottom of the WorldThe Physics Girl provides 20 easy experiments that can be done at home, and she does all of them in five minutes in her recent video. And lastly, symmetry offers many suggested readings to increase your physics vocabulary. 



Just for Fun

Which elementary particle best fits your personality? Find out!

Time for dessert? No problem. (Thanks, Marge Bardeen!)

And lastly, the Toronto Symphony Orchestra doesn't let social distancing stop them from celebrating spring and making music together. Enjoy!



QuarkNet Staff:

Mark Adams:  
Ken Cecire:
Spencer Pasero: 
Shane Wood: 

Additional Contacts