Friday Flyer - November 9, 2018

Spotlight on the Virginia QuarkNet Center

The Virginia center (not the same as the Virginia Tech centermore on them in another Flyer) was once again very active in the past year. They met twice in the 20172018 school year: once at Steward School in Central Virginia and once at Centreville High School in Northern Virginia. In addition to these teacher and mentor meetings, they had two International Masterclasses: one at George Mason University with mentor Phil Rubin and the other at the College of William and Mary with mentor Josh Erlich. The teachers returned to William and Mary for a three-day workshop which focused on neutrino physics, with Shane Wood testing out the prototype Neutrino Data Workshop with the group. 

CMS masterclass at George Mason University.


News from QuarkNet Central

Time to plan for International Masterclasses 2019. Opening today, the Doodle registration polls are ready for mentors to choose dates and times for videoconferences. Fermilab will have videoconferences for CMS-WZH masterclasses, ATLAS-Z masterclasses, and brand-new MINERvA masterclasses for neutrino physics. Find all the polls and information in this IMC 2019 registration note.

World Wide Data Day (W2D2) is in six days. For those who have registered, please sign up for a Vidyo test to ensure the videoconference will work before the big day (Thursday, November 15). Check out the latest W2D2 memo

Remember International Cosmic Day is on November 29; then International Masterclasses (IMC) registration is not far behind. 


Physics Experiment Roundup

We start with quantum weirdness, as symmetry highlights experiments to test quantum entanglement and, as if that were not enough, to use Qbits to probe dark matter. And from Fermilab: Have you ever seen a single electron synchrotron? It makes for a very cool plot. 




Time for some inspiration. In symmetry, we have the story of Kira Burt and how she became a physicist. Physics Today recalls Einstein's apparent "blunder" of introducing the cosmological constant and how important it still is to physics. We can remind our students to never give up!



Just for Fun

Art and physics together? Sure! Physics Today shows how with CERN guest artists. Switch gears; check this from the iguana files. (That is sort of a CMS event display pun. Sort of.)  




QuarkNet Staff:

Mark Adams:  
Ken Cecire:
Shane Wood: 

Additional Contacts