University of Iowa Summer Teacher Institute 2023

July 25-July29

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:30 Introductions

Rolling With Rutherford

Profile with Quarknet

Chris Like and the Department of Ed Resources

Finish Implementation Plan

9:00 Cloud Chamber Activity Phenomena Activity Making Tracks 1
10:00 Introduction to particle physics through Driving Question Boards Collisions with analysis Conservation of momentum and Energy connection Linearizing Graphs using momentum and energy Share plans with the other groups
10:45 Break Break Break Break  
11:00 Registration and pay information and Tour of Van Allen Lunch: Airliner Implementation Plan Chris Like and the Department of Ed Resources Teacher Resources
12:00 Lunch   Lunch Lunch Final Survey
1:00 Particle Deck Activity Dune Presentation From Jane Nachtman

Yasar Lecture

Dale Stille Demo and Resources

2:00 Particle Adventure  
2:45 Break Break Break Break
3:00 Particle Workbench

Collisions with analysis Conservation of momentum and Energy connection

Implementation Plan  
4:00   Blogging Reflections Blogging Reflections


Summary of the week's activities.