CMS Data Workshop at Minnesota
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Location: Tate Laboratory of Physics, Room 130
Participating teachers:
- gain knowledge and skills to successfully complete investigations using LHC data;
- interpret event displays from CMS and explain their meaning;
- conduct LHC investigations with students and successfully prepare them for masterclass; and
- assist mentors in organizing and facilitating a masterclass.
Tuesday 13 August 201309:00 Coffee and Daily Opener 09:15 Introduction/Objectives 09:30 LHC and CMS (J. Mans) 10:30 Break 10:45 QuarkNet Classroom Activities: 12:00 Working lunch (continue classroom activities) 13:00 Synthesis/Whiteboard--Classroom Activities 13:30 U of M Physics Demo (Tate 150; B. Anderson) 14:30 Transition back to Tate 130; Break 14:45 CMS Data Express 15:45 Wrap-up 16:00 End of day |
Wednesday 14 August 201309:00 Coffee/Recap of Yesterday/Plan for Today 09:30 CMS W/Z Measurement 12:00 Lunch (Fermilab Pre-tour Information) 13:00 Extensions: Intro to e-Labs, Accounts 13:30 Synthesis/Whiteboard--Implementation 14:00 Break 14:15 CMS Data Workshop wrap-up
14:45 Curriculum Swap 16:00 End of workshop |
- Preflight checklist for center leaders
- International Masterclasses
- Minnesota QuarkNet Center group pages
- Schedule of Workshops
- Guide to LHC Fellows Workshop