Cosmic Watch Workshop Development

The Cosmic Watch (CW) Workshop is in two parts: 

  • Day 0 is for construction and testing. 
  • Day 1 is for trying out use in school.

A center may elect to receive kits to assemble the CW's, in which case they commit to both days. Or the center may request fully constructed kits and only do Day 1.


Day 0 Agenda

Local Time (adjustable)ActivityRemarks
09:00Intro activitiesQN housekeeping, etc.
09:30Intro to Detector Design 
10:00Assembly of CW kitstake breaks as needed
13:00Finish assemblytake breaks as needed
14:00Testingtake breaks as needed
15:00Q&A, discussion, set up for Day 1 
16:00end of day 










Day 1 Agenda

Local Time (adjustable)ActivityRemarks
09:00Intro activitiesQN housekeeping, etc.
09:30Intro to Cosmic Ray Physics 
10:00Measure beta radiationsingles rate
11:00Measure absorption2-fold coincidence
13:00Zenith angle measurement2-fold coincidence
14:15Activity by design 
15:00Discussion and planning 
16:00end of workshop