Friday Flyer - October 24, 2014

Spotlight on Anne Zakas:


You may have never met Anne Zakas, but you probably rely on her. Anne is the QuarkNet administrator at Notre Dame. She gets bills paid, stipends sent, and travel arranged for much of QuarkNet. Anne has been at the Notre Dame QuarkNet Center since 2007 from a humanities background (BA in French from Notre Dame) and has added education to her portfolio through her work for QuarkNet and a Master's in Educational Leadership from IU South Bend. Anne is married to Joe Zakas, an Indiana State Senator since 1982, and they have four adult children and a granddaughter with whom Anne spends her favorite time. Folks in the Notre Dame QuarkNet office depend on Anne to not only get things done but also to be the kind, steady voice that keeps everything in perspective. Contact Anne at

News from QuarkNet Central: There is a handy one-page table of contents to all the QuarkNet an der Elbe posts. Check it out each week.

Physics Experiment Roundup: New exotic particle in LHC data?

Resources: Smart phone cosmic ray detectors

Just for Fun: Measure the speed of light at home using chocolate and a microwave. (from the Smithsonian)

QuarkNet Staff Teachers
Ken Cecire:
Tom Jordan:
Bob Peterson: