2023 SMU Center Workshop

Day 1

Session 1

(20 min) Welcome


(30 min) Norms discussion and activity


(10 min) Our philosophy re:coding


(10 min) BREAK


(2 hrs) Driver/navigator time

Session 2

(2.5 hour) Continue driver/nav work from session 1. Take a breaks as you need them.



(15 min) All hands meeting


Day 2

Session 1

(15 min) All Hands meeting

  • Successes / challenges from yesterday’s notebooks 


(45 min) Particle Physics review


(2 hr) Driver navigator time

Session 2

(15 min) share out from session 1


(30 min) Switch to Teacher Hat mode


(2 hour)


(15 min) All Hands Meeting


Day 3

Session 1


(20 min) All Hands



(anytime today) Quarknet Teacher survey

  • If you haven’t done the Quarknet survey this year, fill that out now (15-20 min)


(2 hrs) Continue working on implementation plan

  • Brainstorm and data search
  • work individually or in groups
  • develop a plan for implementation with your students
  • use whatever format or structure you’d like
  • A good place to include your implementation plan is in your coding notebook.
  • Be prepared to have others look at your implementation plan and coding activity at the beginning of Session 2.
  • Upload your implementation plan here


Session 2

(40 min) Share plans for implementation in groups

  • Assign a timekeeper since this timeline is tight
  • 5 minutes of each camper “Driving” one notebook; 5 minutes of feedback/questions
  • Participate as a student might. The author can make their own notes with comments/feedback.
  • Briefly decide upon ONE activity (of the four) that you want to “showcase” later.


(45 min) Coding Activity Showcase

  • (3 min each) Showcasers will briefly summarize their lesson, and mention some of the feedback received during the small group session


(10 min) Housekeeping and sign off


Day 4 - Dark Matter Masterclass (Pilot, Peggy Norris)

Session 1

(15 min) Welcome


(90 min) Evidence for the existence of dark matter

  1. The movement of galaxies
  2. The movement of stars within galaxies
    1. Activity 1
    2. Activity 2
  3. General relativity / gravitational lensing
    1. Activity 3


(45 min) Candidates for dark matter and how we detect them


(30 minutes)  Xenon1T Summary Article Jigsaw activity

Session 2

(1.75 hours) Xenon1T Detector Response for WIMP candidates

  • Work through 4 GeV/c2 WIMP mass together
  • Each group work through analysis for a different WIMP mass
  • Report out by groups


(30 minutes) ORID Discussion in small groups; feedback on pilot MC:


(15 minutes) What did you learn about dark matter today (post-assessment)? 


(15 minutes) What questions do you still have about dark matter?


(15 min) All hands meeting


Day 5 - New Questions in Particle Physics (in development, Ken Cecire)

Sessions 1&2

Go to SMU Workshop 2023, bottom of page, on QuarkNet site