Data Camp 2024

 Short Link to this portal: removed.


2024 Quarknet Data Camp

Welcome!  This is your portal for the Data Camp 2024 where we will be putting a lot of useful information about planning, scheduling and activities.

Teaching & Learning Fellows


Gerry Gagnon, Newton, MA (Northeastern/Brown) 

(508) 527-0240


Jodi Hansen, Worthington, MN (U of Minnesota) 

(507) 360-1305


Jeremy Smith, Baltimore, MD (Johns Hopkins) 

(443) 834-9406

Coding Fellows


Peter Apps, Rochester NY (Rochester)

(585) 813-8198



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Before you arrive



  • Hotel: rooms have a refrigerator and kitchenette, and the hotel offers complimentary hot breakfast in the lobby every morning. There are many restaurants nearby if you want to order takeout or delivery.
  • The Fermilab cafeteria in Wilson Hall (map) has a wider breakfast selection cooked to order at reasonable prices (credit only). We’ll go to the Fermilab cafeteria for lunch each day, where you can order food or bring your own. There are kiosks in the cafe you can use to order, but: 
    • If you order stuff from the grill, you have to take your printed ticket over there and  give it to them.   
    • Lines are sometimes long .
      • THEREFORE it might be good to use the Online ordering link. Grill orders go automatically  to grill!
  • Remember, you will receive a per diem of $48 (partial for your travel days) and there is no need to save your food receipts.

Quarknet Must Do Items 2024


Sunday, July 14

All day

Check in at the hotel (map and hotel website)

Hyatt House Warrenville

27554 Maecliff Dr

Warrenville, IL 60555

(630) 836-2960

7 - 9 PM

Meet campers and Quarknet Fellows in the hotel lobby between 7-8 PM for an introductory activity (~1.5 hour) and bring your laptop.

  • Activity: How We Roll (adapted from Dice Histograms, an activity available on the Quarknet website) in groups of 3
  • Momentum Check
  • Loaner laptop distribution
  • Stipend and per diem payment form
  • Register for the workshop (this goes to Quarknet central) and fill out the Contact Info form (this goes to us and will not be shared with anyone.)
  • If you do not already have an account at, tell Jeremy and he can create one for you. Once you have an account, here’s a guide for setting up your own profile.
  • Bring closed-toe shoes tomorrow for the tour.
  • Review Milestone 0
  • We have a “guided note page” document for tomorrow’s introductory talk. If you want a paper copy, you can use the hotel’s business center to print it. Alternatively, you can print out the slides (PDF version here) from a previous version of the talk.
  • Optional: if you’d like to take the graduate course offered by U. of St. Francis, you can find the info here and a registration link here.
  • Complete  the annual Quarknet teacher survey. There are two versions, so read 2a and 2b carefully:  
    • If you’ve already done the full survey in 2023 or 2024 (in your local center’s meeting or a different camp), you only need to complete the update survey. Est. 6min.
    • If you didn’t yet do the full survey in 2023 or 2024, do this one instead.


Monday, July 15

(bring closed-toe shoes for the day’s tour)

6:15 - 7:00

Eat breakfast and then look downward to check whether you are wearing closed-toe shoes.


Meet in hotel lobby to prep ride arrangements


Depart hotel lobby for carpool to Fermilab’s Wilson Hall (map). A few minutes after entering the lab campus, look for the herd of bison to your right.

7:30 - 8:00

Gain entry to premises. This may take a while.

If time permits:

1. Register for the workshop if you haven’t already

2. Complete  the annual Quarknet teacher survey. There are two versions, so read 2a and 2b carefully:  

2a. If you’ve already done the full survey in 2023 or 2024 (in your local center’s meeting or a different camp), you only need to complete the update survey. Est. 6min.

2b. If you didn’t yet do the full survey in 2023 or 2024, do this one instead. Est 15 min.

3. If interested,you can also register for the graduate course.

8:00 - 9:00

Introductions, welcome activities (Curia II, Wilson Hall 2nd floor crossover)

Welcome (Jeremy & Spencer)

Paperwork (Peter)

  • Sign-in sheets
  • If you do not already have an account at, tell Jeremy and he can create one for you. Once you have an account, here’s a guide for setting up your own profile.
  • Register for this workshop if you haven’t already.
  • Emergency procedures and contact form.
    • If you don’t have a Gmail account already, create one here

Hopes and fears survey (Jodi)

  • View responses anonymously here
  • Hopes & Fears Word Cloud (Coming soon)

Group norms (Gerry)

  • What themes do you notice in the hopes & fears?
  • Why are we here?
  • Take a look at the norms from StepUp and Fermilab.

Our Data Camp Norms

9:00 - 10:00


CERN Virtual Visit (YouTube link to the entire visit)

Want to see the live web page showing LHC status? Click here!

  • Cool video showing some of the LHC parts and process - feel free to download and use it!
  • Check out another cool video on data collection at the LHC
  • Schedule your own here

o download to view it properly)

10:00 - 11:45

Guest Speaker: Dr. Cecilia Gerber, Univ. of Illinois-Chicago. Topic: The Standard Model and the CMS Experiment

11:45 - 12:45

Lunch at Wilson Hall Atrium

12:45 - 1:30

Quark Workbench Activity in the Atrium

1:30 - 3:00

Tour of Wilson Hall 15th floor / driving tour - Meet in Atrium entrance at 1:15 with closed-toe shoes

After the Tour we will drive to our home base at the lab for the week - Building 327

3:00 - 4:30

(in 327)


All-hands meeting

After 5:00

Optional - Lou Malnati’s Pizza in Naperville . Mondays aren’t usually busy, but we suggest once you have your group, call ahead to join the waiting list.  If you can decide on a Deep Dish pizza to order - ordering that ahead makes your wait time a little shorter, too.

Evening at Hotel

Highly recommended: meet in lobby with milestone working group, relax, have a beverage/cocktail, and look over the Milestone 1 tasks. Get to know your particle.

Fellows will also be in the lobby to answer questions and help out if needed.


Tuesday, July 16


Arrive at 327, all hands meeting

8:45 - 10:00

Intro to Data Analysis - Top Quark

10:00 - 12:30

Main analysis task: CMS Calibration


12:15 - 1:30

SQMS Tour - Walk to SQMS (next to IARC building which is next to 327) with closed-toe shoes; meet docents at 12:15

1:30 - 2:30

Lunch at Wilson Hall

2:30 - 4:30

Back to 327

Work time with particle groups: complete histograms, apply various cuts and analyses, search for other signals etc. Work towards Milestone 1 seminar.


All-hands meeting

After 5

Some options:

  • Top Golf Naperville - half price Tuesday $29.50/hr for one bay for up to 6 people; they do serve beverages and food (about 10 min drive from hotel)
  • Warren’s Ale House - Pub Trivia at 7PM (about 10 min drive from hotel)

Evening at hotel

If a group has not completed their Milestone 1 seminar, plan on doing so in the lobby.


Wednesday, July 17

(bring closed-toe shoes for the day’s tour)

8:30 - 8:45

Arrive at 327, all-hands meeting

9:00 - 11:xx

Hyperphysics - Particle Physics


Milestone 2 Work time on your particle: complete histograms, apply various cuts and analyses, search for other signals etc. 


Before Lunch:

“Same Particle” Meeting: mass plot discussion with your particle group that had the other dilepton dataset - during this time, discuss results from your group, then answer as many  follow-up “particle specific” questions as you have time for.


11:xx - 2:15

Lunch / Processing time  =)

  • Eat Lunch at Wilson Hall Atrium
  • Take a stroll to Lederman 
  • Visit the bison
  • Work with your group in the Atrium

2:15 - 3:20



Milestone 2 Presentation Work

  • Work on student hat presentation in decay channel groups - parameters listed in Milestone 2 part 8 and on Decay Channel Questions

Daily Feedback Survey 

3:30 - 4:40

Chris Polly g-2 talk (in 327)


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  • Slides from Adam Lyon (older version  lives in the 2018 camper resources folder here)


  • Bonus Material:
    • Here are some slides from Chris Polly, the Muon g-2 project manager, and others from his colleagues:
    • Adam Lyon provided a link to a simple cloud chamber design on his Github.
    • A 7 minute youtube summary of the Muon g-2 experiment, with 2023 results included


4:40 - 5:00

  • g-2 tour - We will drive to the Muon Campus

After 5:00

optional - Trip into the city??


Thursday, July 18

8:30 - 9:10

Arrive at 327, final polish of Milestone 2 Presentations

9:15 - 10:00

Student Hat Presentations. Upload a copy of your presentation here

10:00 - 12:00

Teacher Hat Time! (Milestone 3)

12:00 - 1:00

Lunch at Wilson Hall Atrium

1:00 - 1:30

Venture out to Bubble Chamber, (below left) at the SiDet building (below right) to take a group photo


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1:30 - 2:30

ICB Tour - meet outside building 327 at 1:15 with closed toe shoes; we will walk approx. 100 meters to the ICB building right across the street (and take selfies with bison!)

2:30 - 3:30

Continue work on Milestone 3

3:30 - 4:30

Teacher Hat - Methods, Modern Classroom

Slide Deck of whole presentation - Teacher Hat Modern Classroom

Start planning Milestone 4


All-hands meeting; daily feedback survey

After 5:00



Friday, July 19

7:00 - 8:00

If you are departing today, check out of the hotel, and bring your luggage with you to the lab if you are heading to the lab before we depart from the lab - otherwise check your bags at the front desk of the hotel for a departure later in the evening.

8:30 - 10:30

Milestone 4

10:30 - 11:30

Present implementation plans in small group (remember our DataCamp Norms)

Small Groups → Elevator speech Student Hat - explain in 30 seconds what you are doing at Fermilab this week to: (pick 2)

1  - someone in your school (not from your dept), 

2 - a scientist working on the CMS experiment

3 - your niece, nephew, or someone you know who has not yet studied physics

4 - your students

Repeat for Teacher Hat - explain in 30 seconds what you are doing at Fermilab this week to: (pick 2)

1  - someone in your department 

2 - your department chair or supervisor

3 - your principal

4 - a friend or family member

11:30 - 1:00

Lunch break

1:00 - 2:15

Share Out of Implementation Plans - by the fire pit at Hilton House

     Teachers take turns sharing out their plans in groups

     Then teachers share their elevator speeches in pairs following the Inner Circle/Outer Circle protocol

2:15 - 2:45

All hands meeting

  • Housekeeping stuff (tolls, receipts etc)
  • Additional Quarknet opportunities - Watch Friday Flyer!!
  • How to get more involved

2:45 - 3:00

Complete Final Feedback Form 


The Fermilab- specific form


Head back to the hotel or airport or home!!

    😓 If you are interested, Fermilab hosts a wine and cheese event on Friday at 3:30 in the Mezzanine


After the Data Camp

  • Find everything you used during the Data Camp on Google Drive. You can:
    • upload your photos!
    • view photos other campers uploaded!
    • see and share lessons and resources!
    • don’t delete anything, though, since that deletes it for everyone
  • PD Credit: 
    • Although the PD credit form is specific to Illinois, many of us have managed to convince our own school districts to accept this workshop for PD credit (Jeremy advanced a whole salary lane from 10 years of data camping!)
    • To obtain a PD certification form, fill out this form. 
  • Send in your reimbursement form. If you lost the physical copy, here’s an electronic version (make a copy) that you can either print and mail, or fill out electronically and email to Anne Zakas 
    • Anne’s mailing address:
      • Anne Zakas
      • QuarkNet
      • 101 Reyniers Life Building
      • Notre Dame, IN 46556
    • No food receipts. The per diem covers food at a flat rate.
    • No need for car rental agreement or hotel checkout form: all this has been direct-billed.