NGSS 1: Asking questions/Defining problems

Research Using Coding

This activity provides techniques for guiding students doing an independent research project.

Introduction to Coding Using Jupyter

Students will learn the basics of coding using Jupyter style notebooks.

Particle Transformations

Students discover the rules of particle transformations using transformation diagrams.

Making Tracks II

Students analyze tracks in a bubble chamber.

Making Tracks I

Students analyze tracks in a cloud chamber.

CMS Masterclass WZH-path

Students are physicists for a day at a university or lab where they work with physicists to learn how to analyze real particle physics data in the form of event displays.

Making it ‘Round the Bend - Quantitative

Students measure the effects of electric and magnetic fields on particles. 

Shuffling the Particle Deck

Teams of students organize cards depicting fundamental particles based on their characteristics. This activity is a foundation for learning about the Standard Model and parallels the methods used by scientists to organize the elements into the period table.

CMS Masterclass J/Psi

Students are physicists for a day at a university or lab where they work with physicists to learn how to analyze real particle physics data in the form of event displays.

ATLAS W-path Masterclass

Students are physicists for a day at a university or lab where they work with physicists to how to analyze real particle physics data in the form of event displays.