Friday Flyer/News

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Friday Flyer - April 10, 2020

Spotlight on the Data Activities Portfolio  QuarkNet's Data Activities Portfolio is an ever-growing collection of over 30 data-based activities that you can use with your students. You can access…

Comments on Adapting Data Activities to Teaching Online

  We recommend the following QuarkNet Data Activities for use in remote, online teaching. Comments posted for these adaptations, where appropriate, are accessible to all on this page. The activities…

Friday Flyer - April 3, 2020

Spotlight on QuarkNet e-Labs QuarkNet has had, since the aughts, a platform that lends itself very well to online and remote learning. Well, two, actually: the QuarkNet Cosmic Ray e-Lab and the…

Using the CMS e-Lab

    CMS Online Data Analysis The QuarkNet CMS Ray e-Lab ( contains a large data set of events in the Compact Muon Solenoid detector in the Large Hadron Collider at…

Resources for Cosmic Ray Analyses Online

Cosmic Ray Analysis Opportunities The QuarkNet Cosmic Ray e-Lab ( contains a large data set of cosmic ray events and analysis tools with which teachers can perform …

Friday Flyer - March 27, 2020

  Spotlight on Remote Learning with Data Activities The "spotlight" last week focused on a collection of resources for teaching physics during this time of distance learning. This week, we…

QuarkNet Zoom Channels for Videoconferencing

  Small URL for this page:   Videoconference technology can be a very helpful tool when teaching online. QuarkNet has created several Zoom channels that may be used by any…

Resources for Teaching Physics Online

  The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many physics classrooms to go online. QuarkNet has collected resources to help teachers in this situation. We do not officially endorse these resources but rather…

Friday Flyer - March 20, 2020

  Spotlight on Teaching Physics in a Pandemic Physics teachers are turning to online tools and distance learning to reach their students as school buildings have closed, and we are all staying…

Friday Flyer - March 13, 2020

Spotlight on the Colorado State University QuarkNet CenterCherie Bornhorst and Adam Pearlstein work with mentor Bob Wilson to organize activities in Fort Collins. Last April, CSU hosted a MINERvA…