Cosmic Ray e-Lab


Students experience the excitement of scientific collaboration in this series of investigations into high-energy cosmic rays.

The Cosmic Ray e-Lab provides an online environment in which students experience the excitement of scientific collaboration in this series of investigations into high-energy cosmic rays. Schools with cosmic ray detectors upload data to a "virtual data" portal where ALL the data resides. This approach allows students to analyze a much larger body of data and to share analysis code. Also, it allows schools that do not have cosmic ray detectors to participate in research by analyzing shared data. Students learn what cosmic rays are, where they come from and how they hit the Earth. Students will have a chance to gain their own understanding of cosmic rays and may be fortunate enough to capture a rare highly-energetic cosmic ray shower on their classroom detector and analyze their results with this e-Lab. The Cosmic Ray e-Lab addresses ALL science practices in the Next Generation Science Standards.

Photo Credit: Fermilab, Reidar Hahn

Data Strand
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Practices
Technology Requirements