Oklahoma State University QuarkNet Center

QuarkNet teachers from Oklahoma gather to explore particle physics, cosmic rays, and physics pedagogy.


Joe Haley, mentor

Additional Website: Click Here

The OSU QuarkNet Center works together on ATLAS physics, international masterclasses, and collaboration with the University of Oklahoma in QuarkNet.

Links :

Relativity Workshop at OSU 2024

   AgendaMonday July 29Time (local)ActivityRemarks09:00Coffee, introductions, and businessMust-do items09:15Welcome to OSUDean Melinda A. Cro09:30Setting the stageIntro to QuarkNetData Actvities…

Oklahoma QuarkNet - 2022 Annual Report

After a hiatus in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic, Masterclasses were back in 2022.  This spring OSU held two ATLAS Masterclasses, March 24 and April 30, with participants from three schools.  (And…

OSU QuarkNet Summer Meeting 2022

July 18-21, Physical Sciences 147, Okalhoma State University Small URL for this page: http://cern.ch/go/n88l.   Agenda in brief (Full and Detailed Agenda) Monday July 18 - Coding QuarkNet…

2021 ATLAS Data Workshop at OU

July 20-22, 2021 University of Oklahoma, Building: Lin Hall, Room: 225 Tiny URL for this page: https://tinyurl.com/okqn2021   Objectives Participating teachers will: Apply classical physics…

Oklahoma QuarkNet - 2020 Annual Report

  Oklahoma QuarkNet - 2020 Annual Report   The pandemic put a damper on the spring Masterclasses this year, but we still had a very successful summer workshop for teachers.  We took the summer…

2020 QuarkNet Workshop - OSU

July 29-31, 2020Small URL for this page: https://tinyurl.com/qn2020Meet Online - Zoom Link: https://notredame.zoom.us/j/99539152824?pwd=S3Q5T2J1emNaWTJ1d2JjTGN4OFA4Zz09 AgendaClick here to jump to…

Oklahoma State University 2018 QuarkNet Annual Report

2017 CMS e-Lab Workshop @ OU

July 12-14, 2017 Nielsen Hall Room 203 Objectives Participating teaches will be able to: Identify particles colliding and emerging from collisions at the LHC from CMS data. Interpret the…

LIGO e-Lab workshop at OSU

June 16-17, 2016   Objectives Participating teachers will be able to use the LIGO e-Lab to: Plot and interpret data recorded by LIGO seismic instruments Explain the importance of LIGO seismic…

2015 Annual Report

Thanks for another great year of QuarkNet! This year the summer workshop was hosted by OU.  A special thanks goes out to Mike Strauss for organizing the event and to all of the presenters.  Or course…