Special Projects

QuarkNet projects outside of center or data portfolio groups.

When QuarkNet does a workshop or other project that falls outside the current parameters, it can have a QuarkNet home here.

Links :

TOTEM Masterclass at CWRU

A.W. Smith Building, Room 11, Case Western Reserve University (map) Tuesday, December 10, 2013 Tiny URL for this page:   http://tinyurl.com/ny5gomp   AgendaTime (ET) Activity 13:00…

ILC and Higgs

  Introduction The International Linear Collider (ILC) will give physicists a new way to study the Higgs boson with great precision. The ILC will be an electron-positron collider. Electrons and…

Requirements for a successful cosmic ray detector workshop

Construction Items needed: If constructing detector(s): CRMD kit 6000 series CRMD assembly instructions (included with CRMD kit) tools: multi-meter (digital, accurate to 0.01 v or better…

ILC Cosmic Ray Workshop 2013 at the University of Tokyo

Tiny URL for this page: http://tinyurl.com/todaicosmic2013 Workshop Goals At the conclusion of the workshop, participants will: Assemble the detector and collect data Counter…