LHC Fellows Workspace

Development and utilities for the QuarkNet LHC fellows.

This is where LHC and Neutrino fellows try out ideas, build agenda pages, and keep our important docs. 

Links :

Soup-to-Nuts: Rolling with Rutherford

Tiny URL for this page: http://tinyurl.com/s2n-rwr. Here one way for a teacher to get Rolling with Rutherford rolling with his or her students.   The goal and why: Students seek…

QuarkNet an der Elbe: Contents

  Here are all of the posts: Fertig, 27 Feb 2015 Tales of 2 Weeks and 2 Cities, 12 Feb 2015  Actually, I've been to New York, 30 Jan 2015 But really, 19 Dec 2014 Eventful, 12…

Images for LHC pages

Images in list.  

Data Workshop Template

This page helps guide creation of a data workshop. Navigation Introduction Flavors Objectives Agenda Resources Go to full Project Map.Return to Orientation page.   Request a Data Workshop…

New Masterclass Toolkit

Are you ready to build an ATLAS or CMS masterclass at your institution? Are you just thinking about it? Start here.   The Project Chart shows the steps you need to take. Each major task has a link…

CMS e-Lab Data Interface Mockup

You must be logged into the CMS e-Lab to use this mock-up.   Simple buttons     Dimuon 2-5 GeV       Dimuon 60-120 GeV     Dimuon 1-110 GeV    Dielectron 60-120 GeV   Image buttons    …

ATLAS Data Express

Tiny URL for this page:  http://tinyurl.com/atlasde0. Introduction  ATLAS Data Express is a short particle physics masterclass investigation that can be used as part of a workshop or as a short…

Draft Extreme Engineering Workshop

Agenda elemnts: ATLAS or CMS virtual visit with an engineer Making it 'round the bend Design problem - getting to high field Calorimeter actvity Design problem - stopping high energy particles…

Draft ILC activity

  Tiny URL for this page: http://tinyurl.com/qnilcact14.   Step 1: Analysis Presentation Make groups of 2-4 students Each group carefully examines ~7 events together…

Draft ILC mini-masterclass

Tiny URL for this page: http://tinyurl.com/qnilcmmc14. Step 1: LEP Presentation: slides 1-9 Make groups of 2-4 Each group examines 6 events from LEP data pdf Fill out LEP…